Join the community by taking part in LocWorld47 Berlin, July 11th through the 13th. Crestec is a pen sponsor this year.
This conference marks a return to in-person events, so this is a great opportunity to reunite with colleagues, make new acquaintences, and get caught up on what has changed and what’s in store for the future. Of course, if you’re new to LocWorld conferences, you’ll benefit from networking opportunities such as the opening reception and other in-person events, as well as in the conference App.
The main conference running from July 11th through the 13th offers a number of valuable talks and sessions led by respected members of the localization community for you to join and participate in. With topics ranging from “Continuous Localization on a Massive Scale” and “Employing AI for Source Quality and Improvement”, to “Myth-busting Leverage Loss”, “Rapid Scale Up”, and “Turbocharging Your Career”, you are sure to find content that helps you grow your strengths and branch out into new territory. Build your knowledge base, glean new ideas from the rich content, and pick the brains of fellow attendees. Also, don’t miss out on the training and certification program, master class, round table discussions, and seminars offered in the Global Toolbox sessions on July 11th and 12th from 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Visit the LocWorld website for details. Join the conversation at LocWorld47 Berlin!